Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stressor Convergence

Quite often, it seems, life can throw us a truckload of stressors all at once. Those difficult situations can be one major tragedy after another....or they can be a bombardment of small annoyances. Sometimes the result can be the same as far as our sanity is concerned. Even a temporarily troubled life inundated with constant pressures can be well as potentially lethal for marriages and family relationships.

So what to do when you are in a state of stressor convergence? I suggest three simple and universal steps:

1. Pray, pray, pray. If you're already a person of prayer, pray three times as often as usual! God is the source of all wisdom and resources. Why would you not look to Him for help?

2. Lean heavily on family and friends. God has given us these support systems for a reason. Learn to open up to those that love you--so they can help and pray for you, too. Family and friends should be counted on for encouragement and to help you maintain some sense of normalcy through tough times. Remember, it's okay to be in need some times in your life.

3. Do the best you can. In other words, cut yourself some slack. Nobody skates through life perfectly--and there are often so many things that can come your way that are beyond your control. Only one man in history lived a perfect life. For the rest of us, the best you can do is the best you can do. Don't kick yourself about not being able to do more than that. After all, it's impossible to do more than your best.

Tough times don't last forever. Always remember that. And also be reminded when things are good for you and your family, they are often rough for someone else. If you're enjoying some smooth sailing, reach out and help someone who is navigating harsh waters. They will never forget your kindness.